How To Stay Active And Productive During A Pandemic

With the pandemic ravaging the world, people are advised to avoid gatherings and social events. With events canceling due to safety and health reasons, it is no wonder event planners and organizations are now adapting virtual events.

Virtual events have been around for a while. With recent events, industries are now exploring virtual events in place of their usual operations. Although many will argue that they are not the same, virtual events can accomplish the purpose of face-to-face events.

From joining virtual events such as digital conferences and run events to enrolling in an online course, here are some ways to stay socially active while following safe physical distancing protocols:

1. Join virtual running events.

If you love to join running events, you might want to consider signing up for a virtual run. Many runners are heartbroken over the cancellations of running events worldwide. Do not put those months of hard and rigorous training to waste. Some races are choosing to go on, but this time in the form of a virtual race. This means you can run wherever you are in the world. You can put your training to use and run on your own. All you need to do is record your time and distance and submit it to the organizers on the required schedule.

One of the main benefits of a virtual race is that you can join anywhere you are in the world. There is also the benefit of running on your own, safe, and maintaining your physical distance. You do not also have to worry about parking problems. You can even start your race from your door.

However, you might want to plan your race route so that you won’t run into trouble. For longer distances, you can choose a course where you can have a drink or a light snack in the middle. The feeling and atmosphere might not be the same, but virtual races give you the avenue to not waste all those months of training.

2. Level up by joining digital conferences.

Just because the world is on pause, it does not mean you should not pursue your continuing professional development. Enroll in digital conferences that will upgrade your skills and make you more indispensable in the workplace.

Digital meetings allow you to gain new knowledge and techniques in your industry, meet future partners and suppliers, and meet prospective clients. You can have the option to watch and listen to speakers from your smartphones, at your own time and pace. Use the time that you have to improve your craft and to grow.

Even before the pandemic started, digital conferences have had many benefits, which include no travel costs, meeting a global audience, zero wastes, and getting access anytime and anywhere you might be.

3. Visit museums virtually.

With most museums closed for safety reasons, you can still virtually visit and explore some of them. In partnership with Google, you can see the following museums right from the comfort of your home through your mobile devices.

  • The British Museum, London
  • National Museum of Modern And Contemporary Art, Seoul
  • Pergamon Museum, Berlin
  • Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
  • MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
  • Rijkmuseum, Amsterdam

These are just some of the museums that you can visit through the Google Arts and Culture app. Aside from museums, the app allows you to explore heritage sites throughout the world. It might not be the real thing, but it can make you excited to plan your next trip when it is safe to do so.

4. Enroll in online classes.

woman working on her laptop

Enrolling in online classes is a great way to be productive even during lockdowns. Learn a new skill. It can be as basic as cooking, or something akin to a hobby such as knitting, painting, or pottery. It can be something that you have wanted to do but never got the time, such as learning to play a musical instrument. Learning a new skill can give you a creativity boost, and who knows? These newfound skills can come in handy in the future when it’s finally safe to hold parties and gatherings.

5. Get online certifications.

There are many certifications that you can get online. Some of them are even free. You can try exploring Google Analytics Academy, where you can learn about how Google’s analytics work for free. Amazon also offers free AWS training where you can learn about cloud and computing basics and get a free entry-level certification. LinkedIn Learning is also a great place to check for free online courses and certification.

Staying at home does not mean you have no other choice but to binge on your favorite TV shows or play on your Nintendo all day long. Be active and stay productive for a healthier and happier quarantine.

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