Winter Beauty Hacks: Homemade Beauty Remedies to Try

Winter comes with a warm cup of hot cocoa, cozy sweaters, blanket snuggles while sitting beside the fireplace, and everything covered in snow white. For many, this is the best time of the year as friends and family celebrate lengthy holidays together.

Along with all the merriment is that you have to deal with chapped lips, dry skin, and coarse hair that comes with the cold season. And you also cannot stick with your summer routine as it does not work for winter weather.

A lot of us are obsessed with beauty products. In 2018, beauty and personal care products made $50 billion in sales worldwide. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury to afford high-priced beauty products and cosmetics. You spend a huge sum of money just for tiny packaging.

Furthermore, with the economy bent down due to the Coronavirus pandemic, buying beauty products is the least priority to some people. Nonetheless, here are some effective and cheap beauty remedies that are a must-try this holiday season to help you stay glowing despite the harsh winter weather.

Brilliant Beauty Hacks for Winter Season

Olive Oil and Sugar Body Scrub

It is no secret that other than face masks, all of us are obsessed with exfoliating body scrubs. However, during the winter season, exfoliating too much is bad for your skin’s health. Opt instead for natural exfoliating scrub using olive oil and sugar. Simply mix a half cup of sugar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

You may add essential oil to the mix for fragrance. This gentle exfoliating scrub helps you shed away dead skin cells while locking in moisture to keep your skin supple.

Honey for Your Skin

Apart from having an unlimited shelf-life, your honey on their custom honey jar labels has a lot of helpful miracles to offer for your skin. Honey with avocado, lemon, or papaya makes a good organic face mask. The anti-inflammatory component of honey mixed with the healing power of these fruits promotes skin elasticity and softness.

Do this beauty routine at least twice a week, and you will see how soft and supple your skin has become.

Bicarbonate Soda to Whiten Teeth

You do not need to spend dollars on expensive whitening toothpaste to end up with ineffective results. With the help of bicarbonate soda (which you usually find in your kitchen pantry), you can achieve the white teeth you want. Simply use half a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda in brushing your teeth. Do this once a week, and you will see noticeable results.

Coffee Manicure

Drinking coffee in the morning helps us to stay alert and energised. But who says coffee is only for drinking? Besides using coffee grounds as a face mask, you can also use it for your manicure routine. Simply mix ground coffee with sugar and honey. Rub the mixture on your hands, fingers, and nails. Scrub it gently for a few minutes, and you have perfectly soft hands.

Tea Bags for Puffy Eyes

Drinking tea is good for your health, and it helps you feel relaxed. But do not throw out your used tea bags yet. Teabags come in handy in treating puffy eyes in an instant. Just place your used tea bags on the fridge to chill for a while. Remove chilled tea bags from the fridge and let them rest on your eyes for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Lemon for Your Heels

There are plenty of expensive remedies promising treatment of cracked heels. But most often, these products are not that effective. Opt instead for a natural solution using lemons. Just cut a lemon in half, juice all the liquid, then place the lemon halves into both feet. Put on socks to secure them in place. After 30 minutes, you will see softer and smoother heels.

Avocado for Your Hair

Give your hair some lovin’ this winter by using an avocado hair mask. Depending on what other ingredients you choose, an avocado hair mask could help remove dandruff, thicken hair, and help maintain its smooth and shiny look. Accordingly, avocado is abundant in biotin, a vitamin B-complex that boosts the health of nails and hair.

Apple Cider and Baking Soda

Frequent shampooing could strip off your hair’s natural oils. To help keep your hair moisturised, opt instead to use organic shampoo. Baking soda mixed with apple cider vinegar not only helps keep your hair and scalp clean, but they are more gentle than commercially produced shampoos.

With these simple tricks and hacks, your skin, hair, and nails will thrive all year long without even spending so much on beauty products.

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