Quick Hair Care Tips for Busy Working Moms

Becoming a mom is a thrilling, life-changing event for any woman. While this phase comes with fun surprises, it can’t be denied that the work is not that easy. You got kids to feed and dress that you don’t have enough time to get yourself ready for work. Moms might make tons of sacrifices when it comes to their sanity, body, and time. But your hair does not have to be one of that!

Who says you can’t have a fabulous hair day when you are a busy mom? Taking care of or styling your hair doesn’t necessarily require too much effort. There are always ways to cut corners, saving you time without sacrificing your hair look. Curious? Read on to learn a few hair tips from us.

  1. Be experimental with hairstyles

Styling your hair does not have to be complex or time-consuming. Search for simple hairstyles that you can master and do when you’re in a hurry. You can go with tried and tested hairstyles such as half-up pony, top knot, or crown braids. Or, better yet, experiment on some styles that suits you and your hair length. If you’re tired of your go-to flat iron curls, watch YouTube tutorials for fun buns and braids and practice doing them! If you want to avoid using heating hair tools that can damage your hair, why not invest in wigs instead? There are tons of fabulous wig shops out there that sell natural-looking wigs in various styles, lengths, and colors.

  1. Do not shampoo every day

Many busy moms could agree that they go through a stage of not having enough time to wash their hair. However, if you’re one of those who shampoo their hair every day, it’s best to extend the time between your shampoo day. This is not just for the sake of saving time, but it’s actually good for the hair so that it will learn to work with its natural oils again. It’s also crucial to select a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair. Opt for ones with natural ingredients and can strengthen your hair follicle and boost hair growth.

  1. Keep it safe from heat damage

Speaking of damaging your hair with heat tools, that doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot use them. If you are an avid flat iron curler, it’s best to use pretreatment to prevent hair damage. You should also not use too many products on your hair before using a flat iron to avoid damage. And if your heat tool does not have temperature control or multiple heat settings, it’s time to get one with. Also, when straitening your hair, make sure to leave it down until it’s completely cool. Or, use a soft hair tie to set it in a low ponytail if you really want to get it out of your face.

  1. Dry your hair naturally

Did you know that excessive use of chemical treatments to highlight or straighten your hair can only damage it more? It can even lead to hair fall or breakage and harm your hair follicles. To give your curling irons, blow dryers, and of course, your hair a rest, perform easy natural techniques. For instance, rinsing your hair with cold water is preferable as it can lay your cuticle more smoothly, preparing it for easier hair dry. You should also avoid using regular bath towels to dry your hair as their fibers can be harsh for your hair and cause frizz. Use a plush microfiber towel that is gentle to the hair.

  1. Make use of coconut oil

One of the most popular hair products for years now is coconut oil. While many still don’t consider this to be a great option, coconut oil is found to be helpful for moisturizing your hair and skin and leaving it smooth and fair. Studies also show that this particular oil is beneficial for protecting hair health. It’s best to apply it before washing your hair to prevent protein loss. If you’re more concerned about hair damage, you can apply coconut oil before and after washing. It makes your hair smoother and softer and even reduces the amount of friction. Bonus perk? Coconut oil could also help your hair grow longer.

A busy mom will always have the power to keep her hair looking gorgeous and healthy, despite all those house chores or work tasks. By finding easy hacks to take care of your hair, you can inevitably feel better, happier, and more confident to tackle the day. Don’t hesitate to explore more hair care and styling tips that suit you!

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