Wellness in the Pandemic: Essential Self-care

For many people, it seems like life hit a wall during the pandemic. Hospitals and doctors were busy with Covid-19 patients. People who had health problems not related to Covid-19 put off getting treatment either because they feared going to hospitals or they could not be accommodated.

According to the Household Pulse Survey of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the U.S. Census Bureau, 14.6 percent of the U.S. population postponed medical care for conditions other than Covid-19 from June 23 to July 5 this year.

A poll by NPR, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation from August 2 to September 27 this year shows that 18 percent of households had one or more members who did not receive medical care for a serious illness in the past months. Because of the lack of medical care, 76 percent worsened.

Mental health problems are also rampant. From August to September this year, half of the households stated that one or more members had been experiencing severe stress, anxiety, depression, and sleeping problems in the previous months.

Do Not Delay

If you or anyone in your family has health problems, it is important to find ways to address this immediately. One of the options is telemedicine. About 42 percent of American households have used telehealth consultations in the previous months. Among them, 82 percent expressed satisfaction with teleconsultation. There are also teleconsultations for mental health problems. While many still prefer in-person consultations, telehealth can save lives in this time of crisis.

Certain medical specialists are not hospital-based, with a practice not directly related to caring for Covid-19 patients. Their clinics are most probably now open. If you are already fully vaccinated, you can avail of their services if you need them. Check them out online to see how careful they are with pandemic protocols.

One of the medical needs that should not be foregone is physical therapy. Patients who need this lose the benefits of previous sessions if the sessions are stopped. It is important to keep the sessions going to achieve maximum results.

If you are starting to have problems with your eyesight, see an optometrist immediately. You may already need glasses. If you are now wearing glasses, the lens may need upgrading. Ignoring this will result in chronic headaches and dizziness. If you are working, this will certainly interfere with it. Even worse, it will make you feel miserable every day.

If you have a problem with a tooth or several teeth, see a dentist. A toothache can be very painful and must not be addressed only by taking over-the-counter pain medication. This will not solve the problem. The dentist may be able to save your tooth or teeth. For a tooth that is beyond saving, the dentist will implant a replacement. You can then enjoy eating every meal.

If you have skin problems, see a dermatologist. Just because you are staying home most of the time does not mean you can neglect this. Some skin conditions are uncomfortable as they itch. Get treatment for your well-being.

skin care

Practice Self-Care Every Day

Amid all the pandemic turmoil, be kind to yourself. Make sure that you take care of yourself every day. Even if you are just at home, do not skip personal hygiene. Make your shower or bath a home spa by diffusing aromatherapy oils. Always wear clean and fresh clothes.

Regular exercise will make you feel good. Find a routine that is fun for you. This could be dancing indoors or taking a brisk walk outside. It will release endorphins and make you sleep better at night, too.

Eat well by choosing healthy, nourishing food. Avoid taking too much sugary food that will make your energy crash. Avoid taking too much salty food that will make you bloat. Processed food will set you up for serious chronic diseases. Instead, enjoy fresh vegetables, lean meat, and seafood seasoned with various herbs and spices and minimal salt. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits.

Set aside time daily to do the things you love. This could be reading a book while listening to your favorite music. It could mean working on your journal or art journal. Some people knit, crochet, or sew to relax. Others do woodwork. It could also mean watching movies or TV shows online.

Most of all, keep your connections with family and friends who live in other households. This will dispel feelings of isolation and loneliness. You can talk to them over the phone or on video calls. If you are fully vaccinated, you can meet up with those who are likewise fully vaccinated.

It is essential to see to all aspects of your wellness in these difficult times. Keep yourself physically healthy and ensure that your mental and emotional needs are met, as well.

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