Stress-Relieving Home Decorating Ideas to Use in Quarantine

Working from home and caring for our kids may keep our minds busy, but they don’t take away the anxiety induced by the pandemic. The fact that we can’t leave the house reminds us of the uncertainty every day, and it isn’t something we can pretend not to notice.

But being stuck at home can also be an opportunity to try new things, which will alleviate our stress in turn. It is highly essential to care for our mental health while in quarantine since it will help us maintain a sense of normalcy and let us look forward to each day, despite the crisis.

And an excellent way to do that is redecorating your home. Maybe your furniture is already worn out and needs to be changed. Check out your bedroom, too; perhaps, it’s a cluttered and gloomy state that is the one giving you sleepless nights.

That said, here are a few stress-relieving decorating ideas to pump up your mood at home:

1. Splurge on High-Quality Furniture

If the budget allows it, replace your worn-out sofa or bed with something more durable and long-lasting. Don’t skimp on furniture that endures daily use, because you’ll only be more stressed if you have to replace them frequently. Your bed, for instance, shouldn’t be made of cheap materials, or else, you’ll be sacrificing comfort and your sleep quality. Hence, find high-quality bedroom furniture online, and be sure that your pick provides maximum comfort, support, and durability.

Likewise, select a sofa that will withstand hard wear. Any furniture that’ll be used daily should be on the expensive side. That includes your dining table, chairs, and coffee table. Focus your budget on those to avoid getting stressed over scratches, stains, uneven legs, and other forms of imperfections and damage.

2. Add Inexpensive Visual Interest

When you see something that piques your curiosity, even if it’s in your own home, your mood can immediately brighten. So, update some features in your home that’s already looking unappealing. Hardware is typically the ones needing replacement after a couple of years. Using beautifully-designed equipment makes a world of difference to your space. And the good news is, they don’t cost a lot.

But if your hardware is still new, perhaps you can rearrange your furniture and or repurpose an old item. You can also hang more art, display a modern sculpture, upgrade your lighting, or change your pillowcases. Anything new you put in your space will bring visual interest, and thereby ease your stress.


3. Bring More Light

Lighting is an easy way to make a room feel more inviting and put-together. If you only have overhead light fixtures, consider adding task-oriented lightings, such as scones, floor lamps, or desk lamps. Pendants are also great additions, as they emit more character in a space.

You can save money on light fixtures and not regret it. As long as you choose wisely and take your time in looking for the best ones, you’ll go home with pieces that look luxurious and sophisticated.

4. Display Family Photos

Decorating with family photos is the best way to personalize your home. You can look at them and reminisce about the travels you had, and set travel goals again for when the pandemic is over. Besides that, family photos surround you with happy memories and fill your space with warmth. They can take our stress away and remind us why we’re working hard to stay healthy.

Don’t underestimate cosmetic changes in your home. A new ornament or bed sheets may look trivial, but they make a significant difference, such as make us happier and freshen up our space. Therefore, don’t hesitate to make little tweaks in your abode when you’re bored, and your mind will surely feel pampered.

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