Momma Knows Best: 6 Korean Models Talk About Beauty Secrets Their Mothers Taught Them

One of the leading consumer markets in the world is the cosmetics industry, with a very solid market for skincare products such as vitamin C whitening soaps and skin conditioners.

As far as skincare goes, these 6 Korean models know what they’re talking about. Why? Because their momma said so.

6 Korean Models Share Their Mothers’ Skincare Secrets

woman touching her face

  1. Moon Kyu Lee

Moon Kyu Lee only uses sun protection and hydrating cream when going out because her mother told her to use as little product as possible. A lot of cosmetic products may contain ingredients that may be too harsh for the skin. For this reason, she only uses skincare products that have natural ingredients to maintain her soft and silky-smooth skin.

  1. Hoyeon Jung

Hoyeon Jung was once dubbed by Vogue as Korea’s next top model. She certainly has the chops and the perfect skin to show for it.

Her skincare routine is very basic. She says that her mother has always told her to always put her skin first when it comes to cosmetics. Skin first, then makeup. She sticks to the basics by moisturizing and only uses cleanser whenever she wears makeup. Otherwise, she just uses water.

  1. Gui Eh Park

Use only one cream at night that’s perfect for your skin and never touch your face after applying it. This is what Seoul-based photographer and model Gui Eh Park got from her mother. So after cleaning her face at night, she wipes it with toner and then moisturizes using the same amount. In the morning, she just cleanses it off with water and nothing else. She says it may feel as if you didn’t wash your face but doing so lessens the skin stimulation which prevents pimples from breaking out.

  1. Songwha Oh

Songwha Oh’s mother told her when she was only 20 years old that it is important to wash your face as soon as you get home. This helps get rid of the dirt immediately. Her mother has put an emphasis on taking care of her skin and keeping it in great condition while she’s still young.

  1. Jinkyung Kim

Korea’s Next Top Model runner-up and actress Jinkyung Kim says that one thing her mother taught her is if you want to have skin as smooth as a baby’s, you need to use baby-proof products.

She takes care of her skin by using more pure and natural products. She says that cleansing is the most important thing in her routine. She uses cleansing milk and gel and massages it on her face in a circular motion on her cheeks and around the eyes.

  1. EZ

Alexander Wang model EZ, Lee Ji Hye in real life, says that if there’s one very important thing she got from her mother about skincare, it’s to not overdo cleansing your face. Too much washing and cleansing tend to dry up the skin. So she only cleanses her face at night and only uses water in the morning.

When it comes to skincare routines, it pays attention to listen to mom. After all, these 6 Korean models have something to show for it. What about you? What other skincare and beauty tips did you get from your mom? Share them with us in the comments section.

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