Do You Need a Physiotherapist for Your Foot Pain?

The feet are your body’s most used and abused parts, making them susceptible to various injuries such as traumatic sprains and fractures. Foot pain can be caused by everyday wear and tear, sports injury, or improper footwear. Obesity is also a contributor as carrying extra weight adds more pressure on your feet.

However, debilitating and recurring foot pain can be a side effect of an underlying condition or injury. Some of these conditions include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, sesamoiditis, peripheral neuropathy, and tarsal tunnel syndrome. While most of these conditions are not life-threatening, they can make your daily activities difficult to accomplish. Patients visiting physiotherapy clinics in Singapore often complain of limited mobility, discomfort, and pain in their everyday walking.

Why do you need a physiotherapist

Cold therapy, rest, and anti-inflammatory drugs may help relieve the pain, but they don’t guarantee a long-term recovery. Foot pain, when left untreated, can result in secondary problems that will require complicated and more prolonged treatment. In all cases, you need to consult a physiotherapist who can rule out the causes of your foot pain. A qualified health professional can provide a personalized treatment that addresses your condition and help you recover faster.

Physiotherapy treatment is non-invasive but can help ease pain, improve joint strength, reduce stiffness, increase flexibility, and enhance your motor control. Your physiotherapist will provide individualized treatment methods according to the type and severity of your condition. These can include therapeutic exercises, soft tissue massage, dry needling, and joint manipulation that will prompt natural healing and pain reduction. Your physiotherapist will also provide education and helpful advice so you’ll know what to do and what to avoid.

What to expect during your appointment


Your physiotherapist will conduct a complete and thorough assessment to figure out what the problem is. The evaluation might involve physical examinations, foot scanning, and gait analysis. The therapist will check your ankle flexibility, foot arches, and changes in your foot’s posture. On your first visit, you’ll be able to know the following things:

  • Exact problem
  • Cause of your foot pain or dysfunction
  • Available strategies to correct it
  • Estimated length of recovery, and
  • Ways to avoid future recurrence

Your physiotherapist will tell you how to correctly execute stretches, exercises, and resting positions at home to help in your speedy recovery. You will also receive footwear recommendations and advice on how to apply anti-inflammatory modalities. The therapist will monitor your progress through ongoing sessions and validate if you are following your treatment plan. The number of appointments that you need to attend depends on some factors. These include the cause and extent of your injury, your lifestyle, and the length of time you had the symptoms.

Visiting a physiotherapist will ensure that you’ll be getting an accurate assessment and timely treatment. Most cases of foot pain respond well to physiotherapy, and about 80% of patients have their symptoms resolve within a year. If your feet hurt, do not wait for the pain to go away on its own. It may lead to extensive complications that need longer recovery. Remember that your first appointment is your ticket in claiming back your pain-free living. The earlier you get treatment, the earlier you can hit the dance floor or run your dream marathon.

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