Attitudes That Every Good Writer Should Have

Some people are good at dancing and like to manifest this by joining dance crews or posting videos online. Some people are good at art, and take countless classes or even enrol in art school in order to enhance their craft. If you’re talented at writing, you might’ve thought where it could take you? You can’t exactly reach viral celebrity status because of writing, and actually earning from what you write can take a long time. However, writers can become successful too.

Who created successful movie franchises like Harry Potter or the Twilight Saga which have become household names at this point? Writers. Who creates the scripts of the countless seasons of TV shows you’ve watched? Writers. There are even some viral songs that are composed by writers and composers. The truth is, a lot of the media we consume are works coming from the minds of brilliant writers. If you’re dreaming to succeed in the field of writing, then having the talent can only get you so far. In order to become a successful writer, there are also a few attitudes and skills that you have to possess.


One of the toughest challenges that every writer has to face is the issue of editing their own work. For most writers, the first draft definitely isn’t the last draft and arriving at the final copy of your work may take days, months, or even years. This is because revisions may pop up whenever you’re rereading your work. This is why it pays to be objective.

If you have a passion for writing, then whatever you decide to write will be important to you. This can cloud your judgment when you’re looking for parts to revise. An objective writer will separate themselves from their work and will think like a literary agent or editors. Having objectivity will make it easier for you to make major revisions without it having to hurt. This is especially important if you want to consider self-publishing books for children or novels in the near future.



Books are often considered well-written when they’re full of details. Details will help your reader paint a clear picture of what you’re trying to write about. A helpful tip is always remembering that you’re writing to show and not to tell. As a writer, you want your reader to be transported to where you want them to be. Since your only medium is words, simply telling your reader won’t be enough to engage them with your work.

For example, an amateur writer would say “That man is fat”, while a detail-oriented writer would say “His stomach hangs over his belt.”


Anyone who has experienced writing knows how easy it is to get distracted. A writer must be disciplined enough to continue writing, editing, and revising even if they don’t feel like it. The process of creating for writers is often long and tough and having the discipline can make the difference between a draft that’s going to be in the dark forever and a finished product that will be published.

If you have a talent for writing, then you should put it to good use. If you’re already a writer or if you want to be one, then there are a few skills you have to sharpen and a few attitudes you have to adapt.

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