Trauma: Effective and Healthy Methods of Coping

As we grow older, we get more mature in dealing with specific social scenarios and situations that might arise. A part of dealing with these scenarios can adapt to specific changes in our environment.

As humans, we are also an emotional species and a part of being emotional means that we tend to shut ourselves off from the world when it gets to a certain threshold that we can’t deal with. Sometimes, we also rely on coping mechanisms to be able to deal with specific problems.

But even though we can adapt to particular environments and scenarios, there will be instances that specific incidents in our lives can lead to a traumatic experience. Usually, these experiences can lead to triggers.

Usually, triggers can come in many forms. We might have friends who have just gotten out of a traumatic event, and we are trying our best not to offset any negative emotions on the other person. It’s only essential that we identify different traumatic triggers, what causes them, and what some healthy coping mechanisms do not undermine others.

What Is Trauma, and What Causes It?

But first, we have to understand what trauma is what are some of the reasons why we face trauma.

Contrary to what most people think, trauma isn’t a psychological disorder. Trauma is a psychological response towards an incident that has caused great distress and discomfort to an individual in the past.

It’s important to note that even though trauma isn’t a psychological disorder, experiencing traumatic events can often lead to different types of conditions, such as anxiety and PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder). Most of the time, traumatic flashbacks can trigger panic attacks and sometimes even anxiety attacks, known for being common responses to various traumatic experiences.

Most “victims” of traumatic events would say that they feel vulnerable, helpless, and have personal space violated.

What Are the Types of Trauma?

Trauma is a general term, and there are three categories to trauma that people should be mindful of. These types of trauma will have varying patterns.

  • Acute — As the name suggests, this is usually caused by a single incident. That could be in the form of an accident, a natural disaster, or a crime directed towards the individual. Usually, PTSD will manifest and is associated with this type of trauma.
  • Complex — This is not usually caused by just one type of trauma, but several traumatic events. Whether it’s something that has personally affected the individual or something that was witnessed at a young age, one of the most common types of complex trauma is childhood trauma, such as being abused by parents or seeing parents fight.
  • Chronic — This happens when the individual will experience several long bouts of prolonged traumatic episodes. In most cases, chronic trauma is caused by shell shock from war, bullying, and domestic violence. In other cases, this is an accumulation of different types of traumas.

Effective Coping Mechanisms

session with a psychiatrist

Fortunately, there are different ways of coping with trauma. Here are some healthy ways of dealing with trauma.

Limit Technological Use

First and foremost, you must limit the use of social media platforms and other forms of technology. While there’s no problem with using social media from time to time, this can be mentally taxing and can often cause psychological stress, which can worsen your condition.

No Need to Be Sociable

After a traumatic experience, you might want to be alone at some points in your life. That is a completely fine and understandable feeling. There will be times that you might want to be with people with who you are close.

If needed, you have to take your time with yourself. You don’t have to force yourself to be out there and to be with others. If you force yourself to interact with others, this can only lead to more forms of anxiety.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Traumatic events don’t just lead to psychological stress, but they can also lead to physiological changes. Some individuals deal with trauma by binge eating or drinking. In some cases, psychological stress can cause fibromyalgia flare-ups. If you’re concerned about what you are eating, you might want to check on some foods that cause fibromyalgia flare-ups.

Professional Help

Finally, seeing a licensed medical professional regarding your situation is the best way of remedying traumatic experiences. Mental professionals and therapists can help you recover faster, especially with state-of-the-art medications and therapy treatments.

If needed, you can join support groups. Being with others who can empathize with you can help you cope with your situation.

Overall, coping with trauma can take a reasonable amount of time, energy, and patience for one’s self. Trying to recover from harrowing experiences might be difficult, but it is possible. With your family and loved ones’ support, it’s easier for individuals to cope and move on with their lives.

Ultimately, it’s crucial that you take it easy and don’t be too hard on yourself. With the right support network, setting yourself free from what is weighing you down is possible, and sooner or later, you’ll be able to break free your cold clutches of trauma.

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