The Best Ways to Care for Your Garden During Summertime

During the dry, summer months, it is not just humans who experience heat and dehydration. Plants, flowers, and trees also suffer from too much exposure to the sun and may need extra watering, love, and care. This is exactly why good planning and preparation is a must for your home garden to thrive and survive in the summer heat.

1. Water plants regularly.

Any living thing will need to stay dehydrated during the summer. Remember to keep your home garden watered at all times and do so during the cooler times of the day. It is best to water plants and flowers in the early morning or evening to keep the water from evaporating. You have to make sure the water sprinkler is on so you can automate the process of watering. If yours is broken, make sure you have it fixed by sprinkler repair or replacement company. If you live in Utah, ask around for reputable ones that are trusted by the community.

2. Let the grass grow a bit.

Make sure you cut the grass a little longer than usual. The more leaf surface you have in your garden, the healthier your garden becomes during dry and hot weather.

3. Layer some mulch.

Mulch is made of various organic matter. You can use straw, wood, shredded leaves, and any other organic substances. These materials will help the soil in the long run as they decompose and put more structure to the soil. Mulch shields the ground and offers it protection from the harsh effects of the sun. It will keep the soil cool and make the roots of plants and trees grow healthier.

4. Don’t forget your potted plants.

Potted plants are most vulnerable to overheating as they cannot sink their roots very deep into the water. On the contrary, the shallow roots make it easier to transfer potted plants to a more shaded area when needed. Always keep them away from direct sunlight and keep the soil moist.

5. Fertilize for more sustenance.

chemical fertilizer

When the weather is extremely hot and dry, fertilizers can be of great help for plants. The liquid fertilizer will treat heat stress, protect the plant, and provide added sustenance. Use soluble fertilizer with some seaweed, and use that simultaneously with water to help correct the mineral deficiencies.

6. Make sure to increase the shade as much as you can.

You can place some trees strategically, including vines, shrubs, or some bamboo clumps to shield your house and garden from the heat of the sun. The freshly planted herbs and plants are vulnerable to the heat. It will be a good idea to shelter them with some leafy branches and palm fronds from larger plants for a couple of months.

7. Mist orchids and other flowering shrubs.

Some plants and trees are sturdy enough to withstand the heat, but small flowering shrubs with sensitive green leaves can be highly affected. These delicate plants were meant to live in milder conditions where the air and soil are cooler and damp. Misting these plants occasionally during the day can keep the leaves from drying out and the bodies from wilting.

The increasingly hot and dry summers can take its toll on gardens and lawns. Make sure you take extra care and prepare your garden for the summer. Checking and replacing your sprinkler systems also helps guarantee that your plants are watered even while you’re away.

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