How to Date in the Time of Coronavirus

The spread of the coronavirus disease has changed and hampered worldwide lifestyles. Employees who work for non-essential companies or services now work from home. Others simply stopped working altogether. People have also stayed away from clubs, cafes and restaurants and have gone online instead to keep up with friends and family. Work and socialisation may have been lessened to a degree, yet dating has only grown stronger.

More Look for Romance

Through creative means such as making video calls and delivering champagne and gifts online, people have talked and dated even more amidst the pandemic.

For those aged 23 to 39 on Bumble, messaging activity rose by 35 per cent. Even newer dating apps saw an increase in this particular activity. On The Inner Circle and Bumble, singles have also progressively asked other people out on virtual dates by 50 per cent and 21 per cent respectively.

Liven Up Your Self-Quarantine

With all this dating activity going around, you may want to jump into the scene yourself, whether you live alone or with family. The quarantine may become less dull for you when you have an attractive person to talk to, but you can also do more than just idle chatter. You can go about your dates creatively, provided you find a willing partner.

Lift Your Spirits

For one, you can have a date with alcohol. You can order a wine or champagne online and have it delivered to your date’s doorstep, and vice-versa. Surprise each other with your selection of spirits, and drink and chat the quarantine away. Without planning mutual deliveries, you can also surprise your date with a delivery of flowers and food.

Watch Your Favourites

Along with your alcohol, you can match your drinking session to some other activity apart from chatting. You can watch a movie or a television series together. With multiple user capabilities on streaming services today, you can easily pick a show you both like and enjoy watching it together even when you’re physically apart.

Play a Game

playing video games

When you want a more participative date, you can consider video games. Multiplayer video games abound on gaming portals, while simpler games can also be found and played right on your web browser. In this way, you can both compete or cooperate and experience another level of intimacy only games can bring.

Cook at the Same Time

Another great virtual date idea is to cook together. Find a recipe you can do or would like to do and video conference with each other as you cook. Enjoy both the things that go right and the things that go wrong. Cooking can be fun when you are with someone else, even if only virtually.

Other Dating Ideas

You can do a multitude of other activities that would make your dates interesting. You can send each other handwritten letters. You can create a playlist of songs you love. You can explore museums together virtually. You can even go on walks through video conferencing.

Romance Has No Limits

The creative possibilities are endless for a romantic relationship during these unusual times. You may not be able to meet each other physically, but you can bond in numerous ways that would take your romance to different heights than conventional dating would. Romance may be the perfect thing to make you feel secure today.

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