Finding Your Personal Style: What Should You Consider?

Fashion is an art people use to express themselves. The fantastic thing about it is that anyone can participate and show the world their personality. However, finding your personal style can be difficult, especially if you do not have a lot of experience or knowledge in fashion.

Here are several tips to help you find your personal style:


If you are having a hard time finding your personal style, it might be because you keep wearing the same outfits. You should not be afraid to experiment and try out new things. Fashion is all about creativity and having fun, so you should be able to express yourself through your clothes.

You can go through social media to look for fashion inspiration to see what styles catch your eye or do some window shopping by looking at several clothing boutiques in your area. When you find something you like, go ahead and try it out for yourself. Do not be scared. The only way if you know if you like something is to wear it.

Clear Out Your Wardrobe

Women's wardrobe

Before you go out and buy a bunch of clothes, you need to assess your current closet situation first. You have to clean out your closet. You need to get rid of any dead weight that may be in there. The reason you are having a hard time knowing what your personal style is could be because there are a bunch of clothes in your closet that you do not love. It is also hard to create an outfit when your wardrobe is loaded with clothes that don’t suit your tastes.

Take out everything from your closet and segregate your clothes to three piles – one for keeping, one for selling, and one for donating. Once you get rid of the clothes you do not want or need anymore, take a look at the clothes you have left. There must be a reason that you chose to keep them. It can help you learn about what your style is, and you can build it from there.

Start with the Basics

The good news is that you do not have to go out and buy several wardrobes to find your style. Most stylists recommend that you create an excellent closet full of basics first. Most styles in fashion will use basics, such as a good pair of jeans or a plain tank top, and add onto it. Think about it like a recipe – you need the original method to make it, but you can add a few extra ingredients and seasonings to make it become your recipe.

Shop Around

Once you get the basic clothing items down, you can start shopping around to incorporate your personal style into your closet. You can start slow by getting statement pieces to help you make your outfits more unique. For instance, you can get a small pink handbag to go with your outfit if you want to go for a sweet and girly style. You could get a pair of knee-high laced boots if you want to add a rock and roll vibe to your typical tank top and jeans.

You deserve to express yourself to the world, and the best thing is that fashion lets you do that every day.

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