5 Ways to Design Your Utah Home Office

In 2020, about 40 percent of the state’s workforce skipped the offices and instead set up shop in their homes. A good number are also less likely to return to full-time office work even when the pandemic has already ended.

This then means that a home office is no longer an option but a must. If you’re living in Utah, though, that won’t be much of a problem. The state has one of the biggest home sizes in the country, and properties average four rooms. You can conveniently convert one.

Otherwise, you can invest in a shed or a small cabin. While Utah’s houses don’t have the largest yard sizes, they’re not the smallest either.

Therefore, creating a room isn’t the problem—it is making your home office visually and physically stimulating so you won’t scream from boredom in the middle of the day.

Avoid it with these ideas:

1. Play with Contrasts if You’re a Minimalist

A minimalistic approach seems to work in a home office since it reduces the risk of dealing with clutter that can surely induce headaches and lack of focus. But too much white and streamlined furniture pieces can be unmotivating.

To liven up the space, play with contrast. Create an accent wall by painting it with dark blue, black, red, orange, or anything bold and dark. Combine your desk with fine simple lines with bohemian, rustic, or industrial accent chairs.

Exchange typical lighting with a mini chandelier or an arched floor lamp. Use colored objects for bookends and decors. Include more green by filling up the space with plants.

2. Invest in a Sit-stand Desk

If you have missed the news, prolonged sitting doesn’t just stiffen the joints or causes muscle tension. In the long-term, it can increase your risk of chronic diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular disorders. In fact, it can lead to premature death (yikes!), according to Harvard Health.

Unfortunately, when you’re working from home, you cannot avoid sitting for some time. To offset the harm it creates, buy a sit-stand desk. As its name suggests, this appliance has adjustable surfaces or legs. This way, you have the option to spend less time sitting and more time standing.

3. Consider Physical Stimulation

Home office

Are those Zoom meetings making you so exhausted? Are you prone to falling asleep in the middle of the day? Consider physical stimulants in your home office—and, no, we’re not talking about coffee or tea.

First, there’s the treadmill desk, which is, perhaps you guessed it correctly, an exercise machine with a small table you can comfortably sit your laptop on. You can listen to podcasts, take notes, or answer calls while moving your legs or jogging in place.

You can also place a giant literal sandbox in your home office. While unconventional, this box can work out the calves, ankles, foot muscles, and joints. It also reminds you of the beach, which is one of the relaxing places on earth.

Lastly, you can exchange your chair with an exercise ball. Using it will hopefully motivate you to do yoga poses in between breaks or spreadsheets, as well as help you develop a stronger core and back.

4. Think Ergonomics

You can get tired from work for many reasons, including the poor design of your table and chair. The latter may be forcing you to maintain a bad posture, so you can feel pain on your shoulders and lower back. The table may be higher than your wrists that you run the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

One of the practical ways to kick off boredom in your home workplace is to think ergonomics. These are products that help you get your job completed without causing musculoskeletal injuries.

5. Find a Room with Windows

There are at least two reasons your home office needs windows. The first on the list is natural lighting. Not only does it help you save electricity, but natural light can also be less strenuous on the eyes. The warm rays of the sun may also elevate your mood and energize you.

Second, windows may give you access to natural sceneries, like trees and fields, which Utah is abundant of. Studies already show that nature can help lower stress levels, making you feel calmer. It may also relax the eyes and reduce fatigue. Further, it prevents you from ruminating, so you may feel happier.

The next time you think about creating a home office, especially in Utah, don’t just consider the size. Remember how it should make you feel—stimulated and motivated to begin and end each day with a bang.

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